Develop and send out students who passionately
love Jesus and boldly proclaim the Gospel.

Phase 1: Bible Truths
Know God
Lens for Seeing God's Word

Phase 2: Bible Skills
Know God
Tools for Digging into God's Word

Phase 3: Prayer
Talking to God

Phase 4: Evangelism
Sharing God

Phase 5: Worship
Honoring God

Student Ministry Schedule

Wednesday Schedule

Dinner @5:00PM
We have an amazing team of cooks preparing meals every week for our church. You must pre-register and bring cash with you.
Adults: $7  Children: $5  Max per family: $25
MidWeekWorship @6:00PM
Weekly worship includes a time of music with our student praise team, biblical teaching, and a small group time to discuss the lesson.

Sunday LifeGroups 9:00am

Student Life Groups meet altogether for a Welcome and weekly lesson, then break into age specific groups for further discussion.

Parent Resources

Upcoming Events

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